Saturday, August 31, 2013

Valentin Kovalyov's Mosaics

Today I spent a few hours working on photos of Valentin Kovalyov's (my father-in-law) mosaics.  He works on them all the time.  In fact, this year he made so many of them that I think I will have to make a new page on our website for just the ones for 2013. 
He made a few sets of seven Chakras as well.  They look absolutely beautiful!  Take a look below:

To see many more of his amazing works, please visit our website:

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Empire State Building

I have lived around NYC for more then half my life now, and I am embarrassed to say that I have never been to the top of the Empire State Bulding.  On our son's birthday we decided to make it up there. 
We parked our car in Weehawken NJ, and took the ferry accross.  There we walked quite a bit up 34th street to Empire State building.  The kids did great, hardly complained about all the walking on a hot day in the city.  They enjoyed the walk in the city, it is very different from our usual habitat in NJ, and I think it is rather important to be able to navigate the city you live right next to.

When we got to the Empire State we got our tickets, for both the observation deck and the skyride.  I have to say that even though I thought it would be silly, we all enjoyed the skyride very much.  The kids were tired and fussy by the time we got in, but the skyride made them laugh, and they came out much happier then they went in.

The wait wasn't too bad at all.  It helps a lot that we were there on a weekday in the morning.  After the skyride we went up to the observation deck.  We only went to the 86th floor, which was enough.  Of course the view was stunning.  We hung out on the deck for a while and took some photos.  Despite it being a weekday, it was still pretty crowded.

After we came down we went to get a few souvenirs of course. Then the kids were pretty hungry and we went to the beer brewery right below the Empire State to get lunch.

It was an expensive day, but once in a lifetime definately worth it!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Tissue Paper Collage

After I made the piñata for my son's birthday I had a lot of tissue paper left over. It is all colorful and pretty, and my hands were just itching to do something with it. Tissue paper collage was the first thing that came to mind. I love all the colors, and how tissue paper is transparent. I also absolutely love Eric Carle's illustrations, you can find them on his website here: I think they are great! While I am not used to working with tissue paper, and this is a first for me, I wanted to give it a try.

Actually, I made two of them, but I liked the second one better.  The first one was more of a learning experience.  I put both of them on the website, just in case.

To see the step by step instructions please visit my website here:

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The Wedding Gift

The kids and I went to a wedding a few weeks back.  A friend's daughter was getting married.  For a gift I drew and framed their portret.  It is 11x14 inches, colored pencils.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Cherry Blossom Watercolor Painting Instructions.

I just finished writing up easy to follow step by step instructions on how to paint these beautiful watercolor cherry blossom paintings.  The first one is easier and quicker to do.  The second one requires more time and effort.  Both come out really well though! I hope you enjoy them.

To see the instructions please go to my website here: